© T. Humpage

© Linda Ibiza Leather Art

© Jacqueline Bozon

© P. Williamson

© P. Williamson

© P. Williamson
Art in Ibiza
Discover the top Ibiza art and design
Ibiza has strong artistic roots going back to the 60's and 70's. Many artists and designers were drawn to this small Island because of a very unique and eclectic atmosphere, of course the stunning colours and light on both the land and the water, and its rich history and culture which is still evident today.
Known for its tolerance and embracing environment Ibiza encourages expression and is influential in the global arts scene. From traditional artisans and their timeless pieces of work to the new painters and their creative expression, Ibiza has a wonderful and eclectic heritage.
For lovers traditional and contemporary art, Ibiza has a wealth of art galleries spread over the island. All of them are individual in style and exhibit the works of all kinds of artists, but in particular those of local artists.
Jewellery & decorations
Hand crafted jewellery, designed and made on Ibiza is a popular thing to find in local boutiques and markets across the Island. With many talented designers based here you are sure to pick up the perfect item! From inexpensive trinkets to those uber-expensive “must have” fashion items.
Spanish leather items are always popular and being an Island makes this no less true in Ibiza. Colourful leather handbags, belts, purses, jewellery and clothing are to be found in every market and in many of the fashion boutiques. Leather sandals are also popular and the Sandal Shop in Ibiza Town is possibly the best place to go for some custom-made footwear...a must on any Spanish beach holiday!
Painting & drawing
If you are on a clubbing holiday in Ibiza then you could be forgiven for thinking that face and body painting are the only type of painting going on! However, you will find that artists and painters have been coming to the Island for many years and in particular in the post war years of the 1950's when Ibiza was seen as a place of refuge and acceptance. It is thought that perhaps as a result of centuries of domination the people of Ibiza have grown particularly tolerant and that ideal of freedom is still strongly promoted on the Island today.
Art can be found all over the Island, as painters are inspired by the landscapes, beautiful light and freedom of expression that Ibiza grants them.