© X. Agulló
Ibizan lobsters are identified with the 'Sabors d'Eivissa' label
Ibizan red lobsters are the main ingredient of the traditional 'caldereta' (stew). They live on the island's rocky coast and are captured when their head reaches over nine centimetres, which means that they are usually three or four years old!
Since 2015, all red lobsters that are fished around the coast of Ibiza, belonging to the Palinuris elephas variety, bear a unique identification that distinguishes them from those captured in Mallorca, peninsular Spain or Africa. This label is managed by the fishermen's guild in Ibiza Town and Sant Antoni.
Around 3,500kg of lobster are fished every year in Ibiza, a quantity that has remained stable throughout the years thanks to the care that fishermen take when catching lobsters, making sure they do not capture small individuals.